I have another page called "Objectification of Men". I think (haven't looked at it in a while) that it's random men. Pictures I stole from personal ads and rated based soley on appearance. Is this guy a Phriend or a Phuck Buddy?
I decided to make a new page. Unfortunately, I didn't find any drop dead gorgeous guys this time. It's really disappointing. 
When I got tired of browsing personal ads for pics a couple of weeks ago, I decided to ask the men at FlameWarz2 if they would submit photos. I only got 2 responses. Apparently, all the other men at FlameWarz2 are too insecure to be rated by little ole me.

Anyway, let's start objectifying this sorry crop of men. LMAO!

He looks like a nice guy. The kind of man who likes to laugh...I don't know if I'd have sex with him, though. I'd have to get to know him. He looks like a Phriend.

Yes. He looks kinky. He doesn't look like he has a job...but this is just about sex. I'd do him.

He has beautiful eyes. I'd have sex with him if it had been a while and I'd had a couple shots. He's not ugly, he just doesn't look like he'd turn me on...

I don't find this man handsome, but he looks like the type to slap my ass and ask me what his name is. Angry sex, nodamene?

He looks like George Clooney, doesn't he? It's a great picture. Another man who looks like he loves to laugh. Yep. I think the sex would be unusual...as in, not just missionary. I don't think he'd blow my mind, but I think I'd be entertained.

Heeeeeeeey. The problem with sunglasses is that his eyes could be crossed. In which case he'd have to keep them on all the time. But other than that, Hell Yeah!

He looks like a fucking idiot. His favorite movie is probably "Dude, where's my car?" Drunk all the time frat boy. NO! I wouldn't even be his friend.

I love nerds, don't you? I'm not being mean. Really. But I think he'd be a phriend, not someone I'd have sex with. Cute, though.

He looks 14. ICK! No

He looks like he knows some deep, dark, Kama Sutra shit, doesn't he? Yes. Definitely. Ok, I was wrong. He's hot. Gorgeous. I keep looking at the pic. Who are you, mystery man?

This is actually what the rednecks who talk to me look like. So I'd have sex with him. If he made me laugh.

I only put this picture up because he looks like the Joker from Batman...NO!!!!

I don't know. The pic caught my eye (Obviously) but looking at it again...I don't know. I don't get anything from this guy. I guess not?

He looks young and he needs a haircut. But if I finally decided to rob the cradle? No, he looks too skinny. Nevermind.


Yet another happy looking man. Probably. Probably have good conversations with him too. Cute.

Daaaaaaaaaayum. He's pretty. He looks skinny, but I'd be willing to cook for him to thicken him up. So yeah. Hell Yeah.

This is one of the brave souls from FlameWarz2. He'd probably want more of the bike in the pic but I don't give a shit. I'd have sex with him AFTER he gave me a ride on the bike. :-)

Idunoh. He's attractive. But he looks a little intense. Like if I had sex with him, I'd never get rid of him. Maybe not.

This is the other brave guy from FlameWarz2. I have no idea about his personality. But he looks like a 'nice' guy. So probably not. I don't think I'd feel comfortable asking him to do anything out of the ordinary.

Hola, Papi. Como estas tu? Yes. All the time. Whenever he wanted. I'd also learn how to cook Chalupas....

He looks psychotic. Like he has bodies in his freezer. Hell no.

Boy, you got some big ass teeth! But I like that. So yes. He doesn't look very freaky, but I'd try him out.
Ok that's all.
I think next time I'll ask men to send me pics of their feet. Since freaks are so willing to show me their dicks on the webcam, why not pics of the feet?
If you want to be rated, send me your pic. If you don't want to be rated and just want to make me hot, send me pics of your feet. 